Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Why does my husband always agree with me?

My husband always agrees with me. It is getting boring and a little hard to have a conversation. On the weekend he is a little better but after work he is not here. I try to talk to him about work but his somber attitude is beginnig to make be depressed. I just go for a walk a lot of the time.Why does my husband always agree with me?
Because he's a good boy.

No, Just kidding. Uhm. Perhaps you just ask him about HIS personal opinions, before stating your own. Go see a movie you KNOW he wouldnt like, and ask him how it was? Im not sure really, sorry.Why does my husband always agree with me?
There's nothing wrong with him agreeing with you. Some people would probably admire that lol.

But if he doesnt genuinely agree with you, you'd have to think why? Perhaps work takes it out of him too much, and he just doesnt feel like having a conversation at all. Or maybe he's a little intimidated by you when you disagree with him?
It is easier to agree than to argue, Like all women you argue all the time and he hates you for it, so let him alone or you will be alone
Has he always been this way? If not then something is probably bothering him. If he has always been this way then it is probably just his personality. I couldn't deal with that constantly agreeing with me either.
Do u nag him? Or maybe he wants to maintain peace. but you can talk to him and tell him you would like to hear his options too.
Sounds like you are just bored with him. Tell him you want to have a conversation and when he agrees with you, ask him to explain why.
Because you have a vagina.
introduce him to cuckolding
He does not want to argue.
You've worn him down.

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